Quantum technology is going to revolutionize everyday life

 Science and Technology Desk: Quantum mechanics has been confined to a theoretical branch of physics for so long. In the future, researchers are pointing to incredible improvements using this technology. Huge public and private investment is also seen in that hope.

Quantum technology

Covestro is a large plastic manufacturing company. The company’s research department is staffed by many people who have nothing to do with chemistry. Like what is Christian Gogolin doing there as a quantum physicist with a PhD in physics?

He himself removed that doubt and said, ‘The goal of my work is to apply quantum computing techniques and advanced techniques of computer chemistry. Our simulation experts can create new processes and components for the company based on that.’

Quantum computers are expected to be able to determine the properties of materials before they are sent to the lab. This will not only save a lot of money, but also make finding new ingredients easier. As such, recyclable materials can be identified. Companies, investors, researchers are all talking about quantum technology these days.

There is no dearth of money for research. The German government alone is investing 200 billion euros by 2025. How far will quantum technology advance in the future? Let’s look at such possibilities one by one. Thanks to the laws of quantum mechanics, it is possible to transmit information safely around the world, eliminating the risk of interception.

Professor Rainer Blatt of the University of Innsbruck explained, ‘There are various processes in quantum communications. Today it can be applied on a large scale, can be bought with money For example, it is being applied in the case of transactions between banks.

Think how often these days you carry out credit card or other transactions and keep in touch with others, so it should be impossible to cheat. In the future this will all happen through quantum communications. However, this technology can cause problems when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Will future quantum computers be able to cope with such currency encryption? It has another application.

Rainer Blatt said, ‘Now the question is, what do I need for quantum metrology? Quantum metrology can make conventional measurement techniques even more precise. 

We can measure faster and more accurately. I can even measure things that were not easily possible. In my opinion, this issue is still not being given enough importance. A huge market will develop in the future. It will have many applications in many branches of industry.’

For example, the navigation system can be improved. Satellites can be prepared more precisely. Magnetic fields can be measured more precisely. Maybe at some point brain waves will be measured too. Although there are great hopes, there is still no suitable hardware for such an application.

There are still huge obstacles in the way of success. There is room for error. Many prototypes only work at minus 273 degrees. The computing power of all those devices is also very low. But there are many ideas aimed at improving the situation.

“We have launched a new branch of the modular solution formula,” said Heike Reil, Head of Research in Germany. Because if we connect different quantum processors together, the combined power will become like a big processor. Then the prospect of computing faster than a thousand or ten thousand qubits will become bright.’

Will such efforts succeed? Will it be possible to apply it in industry? How long will it take? As theoretical physicist Jens Eisert thinks, ‘It would be foolish to remain indifferent to the quantum revolution. It has incredible potential. But it should also be remembered that the matter is still in the research stage.

That is, companies have not yet started implementing or building it. Universities are practicing this. What is possible and what is not is still being debated. Everyone is investing huge sums. We have to be careful not to miss that opportunity.’

Although nothing big is possible yet, its future prospects are very bright. Debate rages over which dreams will become reality in the next ten, thirty or maybe 50 years.

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